At the heart of The Carpenter’s Workshop is the Single Adult, Marriage, Family and Grandparent life cycle training. Every Single Adult, Marriage, Family and Grandparent will, if they stay on track, pass through 10 distinct stages of growth and development. Each of these stages is unique and requires both biblical knowledge or wisdom as well as practical skills in order to complete them successfully.
The 10 Stages are as follows:
- Foundation
- Single Adult
- Engaged/Essentials for Success in Marriage
- Newly Married
- Marriage Enrichment
- Parenting Younger Children (Ages 0-5)
- Parenting Older Children (Ages 6-12)
- Parenting Teens
- Empty Nest
- Grandparenting
The Carpenter’s Workshop curriculum provides 12 weeks of training for each of these stages in which the knowledge or wisdom required is provided along with practical application to implement the knowledge. Care has been taken to include the 12 most important lessons needed for each stage which, if practiced, will give you the essentials for success.

This training can be accessed through personal or group study at home or in a church through the Internet or DVD ownership. It has been used in homes, bible studies, Sunday school classes, schools or even retreats. We do ask however that for each stage that the student finds a mentor who can help them achieve maximum benefit from the curriculum. How to find that mentor and the essentials of that relationship are provided with each stage training.
Dr. Hollo is available to teach this material live if so desired. Contact The Carpenter’s Workshop to arrange for this live training.